Wildflower Turf from £21/sqm (Ex VAT)
We are an accredited parter of Wildflower Turf Ltd and can offer the supply of their products along with advice on the use of flower turf, install guides and maintenance. Speak to Ben at our office for details.
Wildflower Turf products are a great way to support nature and is easy to maintain offering a cost effective alternative to lawn maintenance.
Turf can be shipped within the UK. We price smaller amounts different so give us a call with your area and we will be happy to help and give you the best price.
Specialist, Drought Resistant turf
In addition, INTURF also grow turf for Golf and Bowling Greens. These are not really for the average garden because of the intensive maintenance required but can be supplied on request. Please note this must be ordered in advance.
Really Tough Turf or RTT is also available. This is drought resistant but is a coarse turf in appearance and not loved by everyone. The cost is £5.75 per 1msq. This turf must also be ordered in advance.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with our dedicated team who can offer advice on the best product for your specific application